Calling all wellness center creators

Are you a local Health + Wellness provider or clinic owner? 

Vancouver Wellness Studio founder, Kendall Hagensen started Wellness Center Creators to help health and wellness business owners (and, especially multidisciplinary teams) to not reinvent the wheel! 

Kendall’s background is in Somatic Counseling Psychology and Dance/Movement Therapy. Her focus as a therapist has always been in supporting clients who live with chronic pain and medical illness, and medical trauma. So, she created Vancouver Wellness Studio to support the complex needs of her clients (and herself, as a long-time MS patient). Her proudest moments are in patients receiving a much needed different experience in healthcare, and the VWS team experiencing a much needed "different type of workplace.”

She’s tried all the things, made every mistake you can think of, and learned from experts in all the areas. She’s hired and worked closely alongside most healthcare modalities. She believes, and has experienced time and again, that at the end of the day, relationships, systems, and having the right people in the right roles are key, and she wants you to have all of the tools to do that successfully and sustainably! 

When Kendall opened VWS there was no handbook on how to start, sustain, and scale a wellness business. But THERE IS NOW! She created it just FOR YOU and The Wellness Center Creator's Workbook will be debuted and INCLUDED for all who attend The Creator's Circle Retreat this September. The retreat is a GREAT way to help you integrate the information in the workbook and will get you going in the direction YOU want to go!

Wellness Center Creators is inviting all health and wellness businesses, near and far, to The Creator's Circle Retreat, because taking intentional time away from your day to day, to gather in person with people who get you, is important. At the retreat, you’ll be able to experience both VWS locations, meet the VWS established team, and get a real sense of what multidisciplinary, collaborative care looks like!

The retreat will be held in Vancouver, WA USA and will be 3 days of restoration and rejuvenation for yourself and your business! Registration for the retreat includes a 3 night stay at the AC Waterfront Hotel (or save $$  if you’re local and want to skip the hotel), group restorative activities (i.e. community acupuncture), morning movement (tai chi, yoga, dance) and a trip to the spa for some YOU time! 

To learn more about the retreat and to apply click here.


Four Self-Care Methods for Pregnancy and Postpartum


East Asian Medicine & Acupuncture Treatments for seasonal Rhinitis