Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy

Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT), Point Injection Therapy (PIT) and commonly referred to as Biopuncture, is the injection of sterile botanical substances such as herbal extracts, homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. APIT utilizes Traditional Chinese Medicine's meridian system by stimulating acupuncture points with the injection of small amounts of medicinal/botanical substances therefore obtaining a dual effect of acu-point stimulation and the pharmacological effect of the substance injected. AIT-certified acupuncture physicians inject natural therapeutic substances, such as homeopathic remedies like Traumeel, vitamins like B-12, or injectable Chinese herbal medicine into acupuncture points specific to your wellness needs. This may also include regenerative therapies such as prolotherapy, mesotherapy and neural therapy. 

By stimulating powerful acupuncture points with proven natural substances, we can affect the body on a deeper level and create a healing climate. AIT is an effective pain management treatment for all kinds of musculoskeletal problems, both acute and chronic. In addition to pain and inflammation, AIT can also treat a wide variety of other ailments from general mild anxiety, reproductive concerns, acute and chronic fatigue, post-viral symptoms, seasonal allergic rhinitis, seasonal flu/cold prevention, and autoimmune disorders to name a few. 

Many patients get nervous when they hear the word “injection”. AIT uses the smallest available, highest-quality hypodermic needles. AIT feels very similar to general acupuncture and is surprisingly very comfortable to receive. Benefits of AIT include faster results, longer lasting results, direct medication to target areas, avoiding first-pass effect, and enhanced clinical outcomes.

For more information, questions or concerns, please visit Dr. Tameka Lim DACM LAc for a free consultation to see if Acupuncture Injection Therapy could be a great solution for your health needs. 

Services Offered:

  • Free Consultations

  • 25 minute appointments

  • One substance one area - $35

  • One substance multiple areas - $85

  • Two or more substances one area - $85

  • Two or more substances two or more areas - $125

Beneficial for:

  • Combines principles of acupuncture as an energetic medicine with modern injection therapies.

  • Uses whole body approach to care.

  • Lasting effects.

  • Medication directed to targeted area.

  • Rapid initial effect.

  • No “first pass” effect.

Meet Our Providers

Emily Morris, ND, MSAOM, L.Ac.

Emily is a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist at VWS. Dr. Morris focuses on patient-centered care with a background in nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was born and raised in Ohio and always wanted to be a part of the healthcare field. She discovered Naturopathic Medicine through her step-mom’s cancer journey while in high school. She was inspired by her Naturopathic Doctor’s holistic approach to medicine and decided this was her life’s calling. After graduating from The Ohio State University with a BS in Nutrition Sciences and a minor in Integrative Approaches to Health and Wellness, she moved across the country to pursue her Naturopathic Medicine degree at Bastyr University. Due to her experience working with an Oriental Medicine Doctor and multiple acupuncturists in college, she pursued a dual degree with a Master in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Throughout medical school, she was shaped into a physician and learned how to heal her own ailments with the help of holistic practices. Dr. Morris understands how devastating health issues can be and can relate especially to those who have experienced the loss of loved-ones from terminal illnesses. With her background, Dr. Morris is a strong ally for a patient’s health journey. She will work together with her patients to find their barriers to healing, and discover personalized treatment plans that work with their resources, values, and beliefs. Dr. Morris has clinical interests in gastroenterology, women’s health, dermatology, and mental health conditions. With 5 years of camp counseling experience, she has also developed a clinical interest in working with teens and young adults. She provides integrative primary care and offers Western and Eastern healing modalities in addition to conventional diagnosis and treatment options. She loves herbalism, mind-body medicine, energetic medicine, nature-cure philosophy, and nutrition. Dr. Morris looks forward to meeting you!