Natural UTI Remedies for Adults 

Don’t let urinary tract infections stop you from living your best life!

Are you sick of feeling uncomfortable? How many times have you found yourself at the doctor’s office being told yet again you have a UTI? Frequent antibiotic prescriptions, missing out on important events, and dealing with uncomfortable conversations with intimate partners or family members. What if I told you there were ways to support your urinary tract to either prevent UTIs or reduce the need for antibiotics? If you want to be able to enjoy activities again, feel comfortable in your skin, and maintain a healthy sex life without UTIs, continue reading for natural UTI remedies. 

What is a UTI?
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are microbial infections that affect the tissue anywhere between the urethra and the kidneys.1 E. coli, a bacteria found in our GI tract, is the predominant bacteria that can cause UTIs.2 Symptoms in people over 2-years-old can include urinary frequency, urgency, painful urination, incontinence, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloody or cloudy urine, and back pain.1,3,4 Sometimes UTIs are insidious or some people may experience low-grade symptoms and brush it off, putting them at risk for more severe complications. What are factors putting you at risk for another UTI? These may include a history of frequent UTIs, antibiotic use, birth control, diabetes, intense sex or new sexual partners, spermatocides, skincare products with irritants, and pregnancy.4

Modern UTI Approach 
Urinary tract infections are diagnosed with a urine collection with a dipstick and a urine culture to make sure correct antibiotics are used.1,2 Sometimes imaging or exams are used to ensure there is no kidney involvement (pyelonephritis).1,2 Antibiotics are the first line treatment for UTIs and should be prescribed judiciously based on dipstick and culture, avoiding antibiotic resistance.1 Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is an additional prescription used to reduce pain with urinating.3  

Natural UTI Remedies 

Even though antibiotics are the preferred treatment measure for UTIs, there are natural UTI remedies available that are supportive and easy to access. 

  • Vitamins C, vitamin E, zinc 3,4

  • Probiotics 4

  • Heating pad on the low back or abdomen 5

  • Cranberry products 6

  • Antimicrobial herbs such as uva ursi, Oregon grape, juniper, cinnamon, goldenseal 6

  • Diuretic herbs such as goldenrod, stinging nettle, horsetail, and lovage 6

  • Demulcent (soothing) herbs such as zea mays 6

  • Homeopathic remedies including apis mellifica, staphasagria, cantharis 4

Preventive Medicine 
Let’s stop the UTIs from happening in the first place! Time to address the constipation if that is happening and work towards having regular bowel movements.3 Go to the restroom when you need to.3 Most importantly, wipe front to back!4 Maintain hydration that is relative to your weight and activity level.3,4 Use only warm or cool water on the genital region, not hot!3 Incorporate cranberry products into your diet, preferably organic and without sugar.1,6 Wear clothes that are loose and breathable, including cotton underwear.5 Eat a diet full of colors, whole foods, and high fiber content (aka vegetables and fruits).4 Lastly, urinate after sexual intercourse or intimate play!4

I have seen numerous patients with chronic UTIs and I, myself, have experienced the seriously annoying symptoms of a UTI. A patient in her 20s came into the clinic with a frequent history of UTIs since high school, of which were treated with multiple antibiotics. She not only had UTIs several times a year, but she now had digestive complaints. After providing her with personalized treatment including nutrition, supplements, and herbs addressing her gut health and urinary health, she followed up with less urinary symptoms and had no more abdominal pain, gas and bloating. 

Is a Naturopathic Doctor Right for You? 
Health can be complicated, especially when it has to do with our “private parts.” Don’t feel alone in this journey and work with me! I am here to support your concerns and will make a treatment plan that is made with you in mind. Natural UTI remedies can be powerful, so seeking guidance from a licensed naturopathic doctor is crucial to make sure you are using safe and effective natural medicine. Hope to connect with you soon!


  1. Anger J, Lee U, Ackerman AL, et al. Recurrent Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Women: AUA/CUA/SUFU Guideline. J Urol. 2019;202(2):282-289. doi:10.1097/JU.0000000000000296

  2. Schmidt B, Copp HL. Work-up of Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection. Urol Clin North Am. 2015;42(4):519-526. doi:10.1016/j.ucl.2015.05.011

  3. Mattoo TK, Shaikh N, Nelson CP. Contemporary Management of Urinary Tract Infection in Children. Pediatrics. 2021;147(2):e2020012138. doi:10.1542/peds.2020-012138

  4. Urinary tract infection in women | Complementary and Alternative Medicine | St. Luke’s Hospital. Accessed November 27, 2022.

  5. Treatment for Bladder Infection in Children | NIDDK. Published 2017. Accessed May 25, 2022.

  6. Das S. Natural therapeutics for urinary tract infections-a review. Futur J Pharm Sci. 2020;6(1):64. doi:10.1186/s43094-020-00086-2

Dr. Emily Morris

Emily Morris, ND, MSAOM is a 1st year naturopathic physician resident at VWS. Dr. Morris focuses on patient-centered care with a background in nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was born and raised in Ohio and always wanted to be a part of the healthcare field. She discovered Naturopathic Medicine through her step-mom’s cancer journey while in high school. She was inspired by her Naturopathic Doctor’s holistic approach to medicine and decided this was her life’s calling. After graduating from The Ohio State University with a BS in Nutrition Sciences and a minor in Integrative Approaches to Health and Wellness, she moved across the country to pursue her Naturopathic Medicine degree at Bastyr University. Due to her experience working with an Oriental Medicine Doctor and multiple acupuncturists in college, she pursued a dual degree with a Master in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Throughout medical school, she was shaped into a physician and learned how to heal her own ailments with the help of holistic practices. Dr. Morris understands how devastating health issues can be and can related especially to those who have experienced the loss of loved-ones from terminal illnesses. With her background, Dr. Morris is a strong ally for a patient’s health journey. She will work together with her patients to find their barriers to healing, and discover personalized treatment plans that work with their resources, values, and beliefs.

Dr. Morris has clinical interests in gastroenterology, women’s health, dermatology, and mental health conditions. With 5 years of camp counseling experience, she has also developed a clinical interest in working with teens and young adults. She provides integrative primary care and offers Western and Eastern healing modalities in addition to conventional diagnosis and treatment options. She loves herbalism, mind-body medicine, energetic medicine, nature-cure philosophy, and nutrition. Dr. Morris looks forward to meeting you!*5jstmg*_ga*MjA0NDc5Njg1LjE2NDk0NTc4NzE.*_ga_FFEDLJSPZT*MTY5NjQ1OTc1Ni4zNC4xLjE2OTY0NTk4MjQuNjAuMC4w#/staff_member/56/treatment/34

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