Understanding Your Skin: Tips for Teens on Achieving Radiant Skin

As a teenager, having sensitive or blemish-prone skin can wreak havoc on one’s self esteem. While having completely clear skin is nearly impossible with the number of stressors we have in today’s society, I have some tips for promoting healthy skin both externally and internally. Get rid of all your sensationalized products, save your money, and let’s go back to basics! Watch your skin and your confidence transform with these easy steps.

General Skin Health Tips

Utilize a mild-cleansing soap with lukewarm water to remove dirt and debris in the morning and evening. Moisturize your skin with a bland, non-comedogenic moisturizer. Moisturizing will reduce transepidermal water loss while hydrating your skin! When choosing skincare, avoid long lists of ingredients, artificial fragrances, and irritating chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate. Keep exfoliating to less than 3x per week, avoid hot water on the skin, and try to not pick. Overall, keep note of how products react with your skin; if the skin shows irritation, breakup with the product.

Preventative Medicine 

What can you do to prevent your skin from developing breakouts, skin cancer, or unwanted damage? Drink water! Adequate water intake not only prevents dry skin; it increases skin hydration and promotes elasticity. Maintaining a sleep schedule is also key. Our skin is repaired during the night when we have a consistent circadian rhythm. Getting sufficient sleep balances hormones, modulates body temperature, and can reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Speaking of cancer. Here are some tips on reducing skin cancer risk: 

  • Applying daily sunscreen that is broad spectrum will protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays.

  • Staying away from tanning beds; they are not your skin’s friend.

  • If you are spending prolonged time in the sun, wearing long sleeves and hats will also add some great protection.

Radiant Skin from the Inside 

Clear skin starts in the kitchen. Nutrients from whole foods will not only reduce acne, they will provide your body with essential building blocks for repair against any damage.

Critical nutrients include:

  • Vitamin C found in berries, kiwi, peppers, and cruciferous vegetables 

  • Vitamin E found in sunflower oil, safflower oil, nuts and seeds

  • Vitamin A found in fish, colorful vegetables, eggs, and liver 

  • Silicon found in root vegetables and grains 

  • Zinc found in whole grains, chocolate, and seafood 

  • Selenium found in mushrooms, Brazil nuts, garlic, onions, saltwater fish, and legumes4

Always Learning 

Do not forget you are not alone! We have all struggled to some degree with skin issues. Take the burden off yourself and ask for help. Connect with your local Naturopathic Doctor or dermatologist and they will be happy to develop a personalized skin care plan that can include nutrition, herbs, supplements, lifestyle suggestions and medication options. 

Additional resources about skin care for teens

Further Reading and Sources

  1. Zip C. (2017). The Role of Skin Care in Optimizing Treatment of Acne and Rosacea. Skin therapyletter, 22(3), 5–7.

  2. Liska, D., Mah, E., Brisbois, T., Barrios, P. L., Baker, L. B., & Spriet, L. L. (2019). Narrative Review ofHydration and Selected Health Outcomes in the General Population. Nutrients, 11(1), 70.

  3. Bruce, A. F., & Cowan, T. (2020). Sun-Protective Behaviors: An Educational Intervention WithHospital Staff Aimed at Skin Cancer Prevention in Children. Clinical journal of oncology nursing,24(1), 75–80.

  4. Michalak, M., Pierzak, M., Kręcisz, B., & Suliga, E. (2021). Bioactive Compounds for Skin Health: AReview. Nutrients, 13(1), 203.

  5. Berry, K., Lim, J., & Zaenglein, A. L. (2020). Acne vulgaris: Treatment made easy for the primarycare physician. Pediatric Annals, 49(3), e109-e115.

Dr. Emily Morris

Emily Morris, ND, MSAOM is a 1st year naturopathic physician resident at VWS. Dr. Morris focuses on patient-centered care with a background in nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was born and raised in Ohio and always wanted to be a part of the healthcare field. She discovered Naturopathic Medicine through her step-mom’s cancer journey while in high school. She was inspired by her Naturopathic Doctor’s holistic approach to medicine and decided this was her life’s calling. After graduating from The Ohio State University with a BS in Nutrition Sciences and a minor in Integrative Approaches to Health and Wellness, she moved across the country to pursue her Naturopathic Medicine degree at Bastyr University. Due to her experience working with an Oriental Medicine Doctor and multiple acupuncturists in college, she pursued a dual degree with a Master in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Throughout medical school, she was shaped into a physician and learned how to heal her own ailments with the help of holistic practices. Dr. Morris understands how devastating health issues can be and can related especially to those who have experienced the loss of loved-ones from terminal illnesses. With her background, Dr. Morris is a strong ally for a patient’s health journey. She will work together with her patients to find their barriers to healing, and discover personalized treatment plans that work with their resources, values, and beliefs.

Dr. Morris has clinical interests in gastroenterology, women’s health, dermatology, and mental health conditions. With 5 years of camp counseling experience, she has also developed a clinical interest in working with teens and young adults. She provides integrative primary care and offers Western and Eastern healing modalities in addition to conventional diagnosis and treatment options. She loves herbalism, mind-body medicine, energetic medicine, nature-cure philosophy, and nutrition. Dr. Morris looks forward to meeting you!


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