The place where healing happens

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work as a massage therapist is witnessing a profound sense of relief in people that simply needed positive touch. The most memorable of all are those who are widowed or whose families have matured and are living apart from them. Opportunities for touch are not as readily available for them as in previous stages of life. The moment my hands come into contact with their shoulders I hear a strong sigh of relief and a hearty utterance of appreciation. Places of tension are discovered within the musculature and gently coaxed into a more softened state. Breathing patterns and heart rate begin to slow. Sometimes there is stimulating conversation with fascinating stories of a life well-lived. Other times their consciousness begins to wander between wakefulness and sleep. It’s a place where healing happens. During these sessions, I feel a bittersweet combination of gratitude and deep compassion. In that time and space I am acutely aware that these small but powerful moments can have a positive, lasting impact on these individuals who deserve dedicated attention as much as anyone else. 

There is a sinister reason why solitary confinement is considered by some as the most cruel form of punishment in the correctional system. Humans weren’t designed to be alone. We need to be with each other. Babies absolutely need to be held and touched in order to thrive. Though we become independent, the basic need for touch doesn't wane with age. For all humans it is imperative to receive positive, nurturing touch regularly to maintain a sense of wellbeing. If we bring awareness to this fact, it’s possible to make efforts to be more intentional with our ability to affect others through a hug, a hand on a shoulder, or a soft pat on the back. In this small way, we can all provide a place where healing happens.  


Coming Out of Hibernation


Endocrine Labs: Available at Vancouver wellness studio