When living with chronic illness you experience your fair share of medical testing. They can be easy to handle, traumatic, and anything in between. The one procedure that we all have mixed emotions about is magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. While it provides undeniably important information, the machine is loud, cold, and contains a small opening for you lay inside where you’re expected to keep completely still for—what seems like or may literally be—hours. Talk about a dreaded moment!
Many have a difficult time during an MRI. It can feel claustrophobic, cause anxiety, panic attacks, and other related body responses. Others are just looking for something to do during the lengthy procedure.
Whether you get bored or have negative feelings and reactions while getting an MRI, meditation can help. Give these 5 types of meditations a try when you get an MRI:
Just breathe - sounds simple, right? For some it’s no big deal, for others the experience of getting an MRI is extremely anxiety provoking. Either way, a breath-focused Meditation can be helpful. Breathe in and out through your nose, and just focus on that. If you notice yourself thinking about other things, or getting uncomfortable midway through the test, acknowledge the thoughts and fears, and then just come back to your breathe. And, again. And, again.
Have a choreographic mind? Try imagining yourself or others moving to the rhythm of the sound coming from the MRI machine. Are you on stage by yourself? With a group? Are you watching from the audience? Notice how the movements change as the MRI machine shifts to a new section of your body with a click, click, click.
More of a visual artist? Let colors and brushstrokes come to mind as you feel the vibration and sound change throughout the MRI process. Notice what types of shapes you’re drawn to, the speed of your strokes, and how the mediums change throughout the process.
Gratitude - specifically for your body’s abilities. There are many reasons one might find themselves needing an MRI, but in the moment it can be easy to focus on all the negative aspects of the situation. What about using the time to breathe and think about all the things about your body and it’s abilities that you’re grateful for?
Think about an intention you want to set for the time of the MRI test, that specific day, or this entire year. Something you want more of in your life, something you want to feel, or how you want to heal. It can even be the gratitude of your body’s abilities. Then, create a phrase. For example, “I am grateful for this test, it will help me be my best.” Or, “I send love to myself, I send love to others.” Or, I acknowledge pain and welcome positivity.” Breathe normally and repeat your Mantra to yourself again, and again...and, again.
Living with Chronic Illness often means not having control over what’s happening in your body, and having to go through experiences you’d rather not. What YOU CAN CONTROL is how you approach and react to experiences. If you’re looking for a different way to approach your next MRI, give one of these meditations a try!